Dear Officer,
This following letter is from my son.
Dear Officer of Border Agency,
My name is XXX. I am so sorry that my parents do not speak English. I am inviting my parents to visit me in Toronto. They have never been to Canada before. They plan to stay with me for 3 months at my home, and they will return back to China in May 7th. I will be waiting for them at the arrival exit. My mobile phone number is XXX.
Their personal information are as follows:
– My father: XXX, born XXXXX, passport XXXXX
– My mother: XXX, born XXXXX, passport XXXXX
I am currently working in XXXXXX. My Chinese passport number is XXXXX. I am permenant resident of Canada. My parents will stay with me in Toronto at my home: XXXXXX.
If you have any questions regarding my status or their trip, please do note hesitate to contact me. My phone number is XXX, and my email is XXXXX. Thank you very much.
Yours Sincerely
Jan 20, 2017
- 加拿大旅游探亲签证申请攻略:链接http://weipost.com/rdggj
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