



  • 受邀人的信息包括:姓名,出生日期,家庭地址,电话号码,与邀请人的关系,旅行目的,在加拿大计划的逗留时间及其住址,逗留期间费用如何支付,离开加拿大的时间等。
  • 邀请人的信息包括:姓名,出生日期,加拿大的居住地址,电话号码,工作信息,是否为加拿大公民或永久居民(需提供相关证件如出生证明,公民卡,或永久居民卡的复印件),家庭其他成员的信息(配偶和子女),加拿大住址所居住的人数。邀请人需要亲笔签名。




John Wang
123 Alpha Ave
Toronto, Ontario M4V 9B2, Canada
Phone Number: 6471234567

1st December 2017

To whom it may concern,

My wife (Cindy Wang) and I would like to invite my parents to visit us in Toronto, Canada. Their personal information are as follows:

– My father: AlbertWang, date of birth: 1950-01-01, passport# G999999

– My mother: BettyWang, date of birth: 1960-01-01, passport# G888888

They are currently both living in their home at 123 Abcd Ave, Some City, China. Their phone number is +86 1301234567.

My wife is pregnant and we expect our first baby coming in July 2018.  We wish to invite my parents to visit us in Canada in June 2018 for around 5 months, to share the happiness of the birth of the newest member in our family. We also hope to get my parents’ hand by hand mentoring and guide. Besides, we will also go with my parents for tourism in the summer around Toronto area, as well as Niagara Falls and Ottawa. During their visit, they will stay with us in our home at 123 Alpha Ave, Toronto. We will accompany and fully support my parents financially during their stay in Canada, and we guarantee that they will leave in December 2018 before the expiration of their authorized stay, and return back to their home in China.

I am a permanent resident of Canada since 2013. My passport number is G7777777, and date of birth is 1980-01-01. I am currently working as a medical engineer in Alpha Company, Toronto. My wife came to Canada in 2015, worked as a nurse in Beta Hospital.  Her Chinese passport number is G6666666, and date of birth is 1985-01-01. My wife and I are living in our home at 123 Alpha Ave. Our phone number is 6471234567.

If you have any questions regarding our status or their trip to Canada, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email. Thank you very much!


John Wang

