




  • 查找移民局指定的体检中心。注意各个体检中心体检的费用(约$200-$300不等),递交体检结果的时间都不相同(一周左右)。可以在网上查询体检中心的网友评论,选择合适的体检中心。
  • 选好体检中心后电话预约体检时间。
  • 体检携带的材料包括:移民局附件中发送的体检表(IMM1017E),护照,眼镜(需要者),体检费(必须是现金),照片(有的体检中心不需要)
  • 体检当天的内容包括:验尿;病史询问;身高,体重,视力测试;心肺听诊;验血和X胸片。
  • 体检筛查的疾病主要有性病(梅毒),艾滋病(HIV),肾病,结核病等。





Medical Examination Instructions 

These medical instructions are being issued as your immigration application has reached the stage where medical examination results are now required. Please read these instructions carefully. 

When to complete your Immigration Medical Examination 

You are required to undergo the medical examination within 30 days of the date of this letter. Failure to do so may result in the refusal of your immigration application. 

Who may complete your Immigration Medical Examination 

Your medical examination must be performed by a doctor from the IRCC list of Panel Physicians. The list of Panel Physicians to find a doctor in your area:  https://secure.cic.gc.ca/pp-md/pp-list.aspx

How to complete your Immigration Medical Examination 

Book an appointment with a Panel Physician in your area as soon as possible. If you are unable to complete your medical examination within the 30 day timeframe provided, it is your responsibility to inform the IRCC office responsible for processing your application as soon as possible. 

Once your medical examination has been completed the Panel Physician will submit medical results to IRCC for assessment. To obtain a copy of your Immigration Medical Examination please ask the panel physician at the time of your appointment. 

Paying for your Immigration Medical Examination 

Any costs related to the medical examination are your responsibility and are payable to the Panel Physician at the time of the examination. This payment is for the Panel Physician’s services and cannot be refunded even if your immigration application is refused or the validity period of your immigration medical examination expires.  

What must I bring to my appointment? 

IMPORTANT: If you have a previous or existing medical condition, bring any medical reports, test results or prescriptions that you may have with you to your appointment. This may help reduce the time it takes for your application to be processed. 

  • The attached Medical Report form (IMM1017E)
  • Identification, including your passport if one is available. Proof of identity must include at least one government-issued document with photograph and signature, such as a passport or driver’s license.
  • Eye glasses or contact lenses, if worn
  • Four recent photographs. You will need to bring these only if the doctor you select from the list of panel physicians does not work with IRCC via the eMedical system. Please check with the doctor’s office when you book your appointment
